Saturday, March 31, 2007

Maori Language Workshop

Kia Ora, attended a Maori Language workshop in London this weekend. Learnt many new words, such as “Ke te pehea koe?” Which means “How are you”… In which, one replies, “Ka nui te pai”, for “Very well thank you”, or “Ke te ngenge”, which means, “Tired”; most appropriate after a night out.

One of the New Yorkers arrived in London today. More B**h conversations, yay. Headed to Funky Buddha to reconfirm why we don't go to places like Funky Buddha.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Stockholm, Sweden

As we wandered through an indie bookshop in Stockholm, I come across a magazine called adbusters. This is no ordinary magazine. It is run by a global network of activists, educators, entrepreneurs, who really have something to say, and have the medium to say it without being stripped off by the likes of RM's crew. adbusters live in the Information Age, a time where it has never been easier to gain access to information. So pick one up and hear the other side of the story.

It rants on about consumer culture, sweatshops, privatisation of basic human necessities (eg. water) and heaps of other topics other publications would not even dare to tread on. Maybe we should think about this when even daring to contemplate the purchase of a hideous bag with the letters L and V.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Turning in Turnmills

It's daylight outside, and we just got back from Kinkymalinki @ Turnmills. I think I'm about to suffer from another bout of weekend lag (like jet lag, but as a result of sleeping 8 hours later than your normal time).

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Berlin weiners

Just got back from Berlin for the weekend. Man, why can't there be 48 hours in a day? I'm so knackered I can't sit straight.

Clubbing in Berlin is off the hook! It's just what I always imagined it to be. Sage Club = Good Times.

I won't bore you with the really interesting tourisy sh*t I did, like standing above the bunker where Hi*ler shot himself... So let's skip to happier things...

A-Trane. Best jazz club in Berlin. Class act. And apparently grey hair is in.

The curry wurst (German sausages in curry powder and tomato sauce) we had looked exactly like this. (Click on the word "this"). Rated 5/10.

Company in Berlin, 10/10.